Srw2024 Downloading Code Using Xmodem Download

Any xmodem tftp xmodem serial Can download code. Xmodem Procedure for Downloading a Cisco IOS Software Image onto a Cisco 2620 Router. After this message appears, you have to download the file using xmodem and this procedure: Go to Hyperterminal and click the Transfer menu.

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  4. How To Use Xmodem
Article ID: 5605
C5-Series, C3-Series, C2-Series
B5-Series, B3-Series, B2-Series
A4-Series, A2-Series
TFTPSrw2024 downloading code using xmodem download windows 10
Firmware upgrade a SecureStack
Serial console settings for SecureStack
'IP protocol must be none to set ip address.'
'Error: No space left on the device. Please remove backup file.'
These TFTP and serial upgrade procedures can be found in the SecureStack Configuration Guide (with firmware, links shown below).
For C2 firmware 1.x / 2.x / 3.x migration procedures, see 5707.
For C2 firmware 3.x / 4.x to 5.02.01 or 5.02.02 migration procedure, see 11493.
For C2 firmware 5.00.xx difficulties in upgrading higher, see 11617.
For C5/C3/B5/B3/A4 firmware 6.51/6.61 upgrade/back-rev considerations, see 14480.
As part of the Limited Lifetime Replacement Warranty, firmware is available here->(C5/C3/C2/B5/B3/B2/A4/A2) free of charge, to all customers.
Note that there is no present reason to consider manipulating the boot prom version on any SecureStack switch (11089).
Downloading to a Standalone unit or a Stack, via TFTP
A TFTP download is much faster than a serial download, requiring only a few seconds, and can be used to upgrade a stack that is not physically in the area.
  1. Connect to inband (ethernet) management via Telnet or SSH, or to serial management with either HyperTerminal or TeraTerm Pro Web 3.1.3 or higher, using the setup procedure per 5463. Display the local host port's IP address C2(rw)->show ip address Name Address Mask ------------ ------------- ----------------- host C2(rw)->[/code]Note that the only way to display the IP gateway address is to display the (IP) configuration commands (eg: 'show config ip'). If the displayed address information is not appropriate, it may be changed. If not specified; mask will be set to the natural mask of address, and gateway will be set the same as address. C2(rw)->set ip address mask gateway[/code]Note: The IP address may be acquired by any of three different methods: Bootp, DHCP, or Statically as shown here. Setting a Static IP address first requires that IP Protocol be set to 'none' (this is the default), which when configured initially has the effect of statically setting the IP address to For example: C2(rw)->set ip address mask gateway IP protocol must be none to set ip address. Use'set ip protocol{none | bootp | dhcp}'to set Ip protocol to none. C2(rw)->set ip protocol none Changing protocol mode will reset ip configuration. Are you sure you want to continue? (y/n)y C2(rw)->set ip address mask gateway[/code]
  2. Establish an inband (ethernet) connection between the Standalone/Stack and the TFTP Host device, and ping between the devices to ensure connectivity. Start and minimize the TFTP application on the TFTP Host device. If you don't have one, you can download one free of charge. View the active firmware version on each switch in the stack (5455), to ensure that all units are running the same version. Non-matching firmware in a stack is undesirable, and is not supported. The new firmware file will only be distributed to units already running the same firmware version as the (master) Mgmt Switch. C2(rw)->show switch Management Preconfig Plugged-in Switch Code Switch Status Model ID Model ID Status Version ------ ------------ ------------- ------------- --------------------- -------- 1 Mgmt Switch C2H124-48P C2H124-48P OK 03.01.45 C2(rw)->[/code]
  3. If any unit's firmware version differs (this will typically not be the case), then it is necessary to copy the Mgmt Switch's firmware to all other stack units (5715), in order to optimize the stack: C2(rw)->set switch copy-fw Are you sure you want to copy firmware? (y/n) y Code transfer completed successfully.[/code]See also: 7326. View the current firmware structure on the master switch. C2(rw)->dir Images: Filename: c2-series_03.01.20 Version: 03.01.20 Size: 6410240 (bytes) Date: Fri Jun 3 10:37:06 2005 CheckSum: 35df004873035b50b0dc77f843d52af8 Compatibility: C2G124-24, C2G124-48, C2H124-48, C2G124-48P, C2H124-48P C2K122-24, C2G170-24, C2G134-24P Filename: c2-series_03.01.45 (Active) (Boot) Version: 03.01.45 Size: 5818368 (bytes) Date: Wed Jun 29 11:09:22 2005 CheckSum: f44f9bf9a41ae24d10862024ec1a21db Compatibility: C2G124-24, C2G124-48, C2H124-48, C2G124-48P, C2H124-48P C2K122-24, C2G170-24, C2G134-24P Files: Size configs: c2old.cfg 2149 C2new.cfg 3173 logs: current.log 159761 C2(rw)->[/code]
  4. With SecureStack C2 firmware 2.01.37 or higher, and on any other SecureStack model; dual firmware images are supported, and the 'dir' command displays firmware information (5455) as demonstrated above. For these systems, system Flash can accommodate up to two firmware image files at one time. Before proceeding with the upgrade operation, delete any non-Active firmware file present, leaving only the Active firmware file. You will otherwise receive a 'Error: No space left on the device. Please remove backup file.' message when executing the TFTP operation. C2(rw)->delete c2-series_03.01.20[/code]
  5. TFTP transfer the firmware file from the specified path of the source TFTP server to the image directory of the SecureStack file structure. C2(rw)->copy tftp:// system:image[/code]The firmware file will be downloaded to the master switch, and will be distributed to all of the switches in the stack. More correctly, it will be distributed to all of the switches in the stack having Switch Status 'OK' and identical Code Versions in the 'show switch' query from step 6. Verify that the new firmware image exists on all expected units, as the 'backup' image ('show version'). If the file has not been copied automatically, issue a 'set switch copy-fw' command on behalf of any unit that has not been properly updated. When upgrading from SecureStack C2 firmware 2.01.37 or higher, or upgrading any other SecureStack model; select the new firmware image for next boot (note the standardized file name structure), view the results, and reboot the stack: C2(rw)->set boot system c2-series_03.01.52 This command requires resetting the entire system. Do you want to continue (y/n) [n]?y Checking firmware versions on stacking members Saving Configuration to stacking members Resetting system ...[/code]Note1: With earlier firmware, it is necessary to issue the 'reset' command as a separate operation. Note2: With later firmware, the user prompt has changed - making it possible to defer the system reboot (12399). After the switches in the stack reboot, log back in and confirm that the new firmware has been applied, using the commands as shown in steps 6 and 8 above. See also: 12891.
Downloading to a Standalone unit, via the Serial Port (XModem)
A serial download is a viable alternative to TFTP; but because it requires direct access to the equipment being upgraded, is significantly slower (requires +/- 35 minutes), overwrites the Active (operational) firmware image, and does not push the image to an entire stack; it is not the preferred upgrade method.
  1. Connect to inband (ethernet) management via Telnet or SSH, or to serial management with either HyperTerminal or TeraTerm Pro Web 3.1.3 or higher, using the setup procedure per 5463. Reset (power cycle) the unit. The initial boot sequence will display. Version 1.0.13 6/14/2004 Computing MD5 Checksum of operational code... Select an option. If no selection in 2 seconds then operational code will start. 1 - Start operational code. 2 - Start Boot Menu. Select (1, 2):2[/code]Type 2 then press - all within two seconds - to invoke the main boot menu. With SecureStack C2 firmware 2.01.22 or higher, or on any other SecureStack model; entering boot mode require a password (5551). Password: ************ Boot Menu Version 1.0.25 03-09-2005 Options available 1 - Start operational code 2 - Change baud rate 3 - Retrieve event log using XMODEM (64KB). 4 - Load new operational code using XMODEM 5 - Display operational code vital product data 6 - Run Flash Diagnostics 7 - Update Boot Code 8 - Delete operational code 9 - Reset the system 10 - Restore Configuration to factory defaults (delete config files) 11 - Set new Boot Code password [Boot Menu] 2[/code]Type 2 then press to change the baud rate. The available serial data rates will display. 1 - 1200 2 - 2400 3 - 4800 4 - 9600 5 - 19200 6 - 38400 7 - 57600 8 - 115200 0 - no change ->8[/code]Type 8 then press to set the switch's baud rate to 115200. Setting baud rate to 115200, you must change your terminal baud rate.[/code]
  2. Change the terminal session's baud rate to 115200.[list]
  3. HyperTerminal-[list]File->Properties->Configure->Bits per Second->Apply->OK->OK
    Setup->Serial port->Baud rate->OK
[/list] Press so the switch will complete the baud rate change, displaying a fresh prompt. [Boot Menu] 4[/code]Type 4 then press to load new operational code using Xmodem. Set up for XModem file transmission.
  • HyperTerminal-[list]Transfer->Send File->Browse->Open->Protocol Xmodem->Send->bps/cps
[/list] Progress messages will indicate the status of the file transfer. Ready to receive the file with XMODEM/CRC....
Ready to RECEIVE File xcode.bin in binary mode
Send several Control-X characters to cancel before transfer starts.
XMODEM transfer complete, checking CRC....
Verified operational code CRC.
The following Enterasys Header is in the image:
MD5 Checksum....................e03dd35e91f6b89b5ce259eedd0203e1
Boot File Identifier............0x0517Srw2024 Downloading Code Using Xmodem Download
Header Version..................0x0100
Image Type......................0x82
Image Offset....................0x0079

Cisco Xmodem Download

Image length....................0x0058f387
Ident Strings Length............0x0053
Ident Strings...................
Image Version Length............0x8
Image Version Bytes.............0x30 0x33 0x2e 0x30 0x31 0x2e 0x35 0x32 (03.01.52)
The following secondary header is in the image:
CRC............................................0xe6aa (59050)
Target Device..................................0x00a08245
Size...........................................0x58f210 (5829136)
Number of Components...........................2
Operational Code Size..........................0x51d5b8 (5363128)
Operational Code Offset........................0x0 (0)
Operational Code CRC...........................0x1FC1
Boot Code Version..............................29
Boot Code Size.................................0x71a08 (465416)
Boot Code Offset...............................0x51d5b8 (5363128)
Boot Code CRC..................................0x4CCD
VPD - rel 3 ver 1 maint_lvl 52
Timestamp - Wed Jul 27 12:24:04 2005
File - c2-series_03.01.52
Operational code update completed successfully.
Verifying Operational Code CRC.....
CRC is OK.[/code]
  • Press so the switch will complete the file transfer operation, displaying a fresh prompt. [Boot Menu] 2[/code]Type 2 then press to change the baud rate. The available serial data rates will display. 1 - 1200
    2 - 2400
    3 - 4800
    4 - 9600
    5 - 19200
    6 - 38400
    7 - 57600
    8 - 115200
    0 - no change
    ->4[/code]Type 4 then press to set the switch's baud rate back to 9600. Setting baud rate to 9600, you must change your terminal baud rate.[/code]
  • Change the terminal session's baud rate back to 9600.
    • HyperTerminal-[list]File->Properties->Configure->Bits per Second->Apply->OK->OK
    Srw2024 downloading code using xmodem download windows 10TeraTerm-
      Setup->Serial port->Baud rate->OK
    [/list] Press so the switch will complete the baud rate change, displaying a fresh prompt. [Boot Menu] 1[/code]Type 1 then press to boot the unit onto the new operational code. After the unit comes back up, log in and confirm that the new image has already been selected, and should now be running. C2(rw)->show boot system
    Current system image to boot: c2-series_03.01.52
    C2(rw)->[/code]For additional confirmation of this, issue a 'dir' command. The newly loaded firmware file will be Active and the status of any non-Active firmware file will be unchanged.
    See also: 12891. As desired, this unit may be stacked as the master unit and its firmware image may then be pushed to the other stack units (5715): C2(rw)->set switch copy-fw
    Are you sure you want to copy firmware? (y/n) y
    Code transfer completed successfully.[/code]See also: 7326.[/list]

    Srw2024 Downloading Code Using Xmodem Download Free

    25 Jun 2016

    A Cisco SG500X-24P running firmware fails to upgrade to anything newer. Firmware 1.3.5.x isn’t accepted in WebUI (Copy failed; Copy: Illegal software format). Firmware is accepted, but the system won’t boot from it; after upload and setting as Active image and rebooting, the switch reboots, panics, then factory resets and comes up again on with factory defaults. (You can tell this is the case because the device reverts to login/password cisco/cisco.)

    Error message

    This is what you see using the console cable if you are experiencing this issue.


    Srw2024 Downloading Code Using Xmodem Download Pc

    1. Flash boot to via WebUI and reboot. Confirm upgrade is successful; system firmware should still be at as expected.
    2. Attach to console using SecureCRT. 115200 baud.
    3. Grab the full path to the 1.3.5 firmware; the timeout in the bootloader is very short. i.e. d:firmwaresx500_fw-13558.ros
    4. Reboot switch.
    5. Hit Esc. at bootloader prompt and send firmware via XMODEM, pasting the filename quickly.
    6. Wait 45 minutes while it transfers at 3kB/s.
    7. Switch should reboot on


    How To Use Xmodem

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