How To Use Cs Go Skin Installer Lol

Active4 years, 8 months ago

There is a weapon skin I want to use in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive called Pulse. I cannot figure out how to add it to the game. It says 'considered for use pending' if this helps.


These skins, more commonly known as “Legacy Skins,” are some of the oldest in League of Legends.They were only given out during certain events or have been discontinued after their initial.

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1 Answer

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive's workshop works differently than most Steam workshops. You cannot simply browse to a file and add it to your game. Instead, the workshop is used to see items that maybe added to the game as drops or a part of a weapon case, or ones that have already been added.

Once you acquire the weapon (that particular one is already in the game and can be found by opening a winter offensive weapon case), you can use it by going to your inventory in-game and replacing your current weapon with the new one by right-clicking on it and choosing 'Replace T', 'Replace CT' or 'Replace both'.


Cs Money

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