Program Kriptografi Caesar Cipher Dengan Java

Active5 years, 7 months ago
  1. Caesar Cipher Encoder
  2. Program Kriptografi Caesar Cipher Dengan Java Pdf
  3. Kriptografi Caesar Cipher Adalah
  4. Caesar Cipher Decoder
  5. Caesar Cipher Solver
  6. Gravity Falls Decoder

Ini adalah jenis cipher substitusi dimana setiap huruf dalam plaintext diganti dengan huruf lain yang berada di beberapa huruf setelahnya. Misalnya, dengan pergeseran kiri 3, D akan digantikan oleh A, E akan menjadi B, dan sebagainya. Metode ini dinamai Julius Caesar, yang pertama kali menggunakan kriptografi ini. Tabula Recta Algoritma Kriptografi Vigenere Cipher. Setiap baris di dalam bujursangkar menyatakan huruf-huruf ciphertert yang diperoleh dengan Caesar cipher. Java (4) Kebidanan (2) Lifestyle (15) News (6) Other (1) Programming (1) Religions (15) Script (2) Sports (10) Technology (11).

Caesar Cipher Encoder


I'd like to use java to make a cipher of sorts, but im not sure how to go about it.

Basically, I'd want the machine to accept a string of text, say 'Abcd'

and then a key, say '4532'

The program should move the characters forward in the alphabet if the number matching the place of the letter is even, and backward if it's odd.

If there is no number, the key should loop around until it's out of characters in the string to change.

the program would then print the key. Ideally, if im pseudocoding this correctly, deciphering the string would be a reverse process only applicable with the key.

I'm guessing i'd use a combination of an array and if/else statements.

I'm not sure where to start.


Example & edit String: 'hello' Key: '12'

a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z

Program Kriptografi Caesar Cipher Dengan Java Pdf

Because the corresponding key value is 1, h will travel backwards that many spaces.

h = g

Kriptografi Caesar Cipher Adalah

because e has a 2, it'll move forward that many spaces.

e = g

the first l then becomes k, while the second becomes n. The Key is repeated because the string is out of numbers to compare. o turns into n because it's matched with 1.

hello would become ggknn with the key 42.

Christopher Baldwin
Christopher BaldwinChristopher Baldwin
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3 Answers

Here are possible steps you can take to do this. This is not an exact and working solution, but it will hopefully get you started.

  1. Start by reading input from the console (via Scanner or a BufferedReader for example).
  2. Split your input on spaces perhaps, so that you have a String[] of words.
  3. Loop through the String[] of words, and loop again for which word. You can have a counter that is incremented in each iteration of an inner loop and gets reset at the end of an inner loop. You can use that counter variable to get a position into the key (key[counter%lengthOfKey]) in each iteration of the inner loop. If the (counter%lengthOfKey)%2 0, you have the even number case for the key, else the odd numbered case. Do whatever encryption at that point (simple substitution cipher for example).
Martin DinovMartin Dinov

Caesar Cipher Decoder

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There are many methods of Encryption, but if you want to learn about Encryption you should start with the study of XOR encryption. XOR Encryption uses a key and XORs the binary code of every character with the key. If the key is longer than the encrypted code it creates a One-Time Pad that is impossible to decrypt.

XOR - Exclusive OR - Unlike OR both values can not be true at the same time.

Simple Explanation:

  1. Pretend you want to encrypt the string 'hello world' with the key 'c'.
  2. For every character in the string XOR it with the key c.
  3. Pretend the binary value of h is 1100011 and the binary value of c is 0010110 (these are made up and will not work) then you XOR every corresponding binary value.

Caesar Cipher Solver

1110101 is the XORed binary value.

  1. You then cast the binary value back into character and you do this for every step of the encrypted string.

Gravity Falls Decoder


Insecure for short keys. but very powerful for long keys and creates a one time pad.

Example code:

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