Shape File Viewer Online

This free online converter will translate an AutoCAD file (in DXF format) to a shapefile or KML format. It can also convert from KML format to shapefile, or KML to DXF, or Shapefile to DXF. Choose the output format you desire and select your input file, then press Convert File. Free GIS Data Viewers. Shape Viewer is a free tool, which you can use to view Esri Shapefiles. There are a few online options to learn GIS for.

  1. View Shapefiles Online
  2. Shape File Viewer For Mac


Mapshaper is software for editing Shapefile, GeoJSON, TopoJSON, CSV and several other data formats, written in JavaScript.

The mapshaper command line program supports essential map making tasks like simplifying shapes, editing attribute data, clipping, erasing, dissolving, filtering and more.

The web UI supports interactive simplification, attribute data editing, and running cli commands in a built-in console. Visit the public website at or use the web UI locally via the mapshaper-gui script.

Shape File Viewer Online

See the project wiki for more documentation on how to use mapshaper.

To suggest improvements, add an issue.

To learn about recent updates, read the changelog.

Command line tool

The mapshaper command line program has been used successfully under Mac OS X, Linux and Windows.

The project wiki has an introduction to using the command line tool that includes many simple examples.

For a detailed reference, see the Command Reference.

Interactive web interface

The web UI works in recent desktop versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Internet Explorer. Safari before v10.1 and IE before v10 are not supported.

The mapshaper distribution includes the script mapshaper-gui, which runs mapshaper's web interface locally. You can also visit to use mapshaper online.

All processing is done in the browser, so your data stays private, even when using the public website.

Large file support

Web interface

Firefox is able to load Shapefiles and GeoJSON files larger than 1GB. Chrome has improved in recent versions, but is still prone to out-of-memory errors when importing files larger than several hundred megabytes.

Command line interface

When working with very large files, mapshaper may become unresponsive or crash with the message 'JavaScript heap out of memory.'

One option is to run mapshaper-xl (added in v0.4.63), which allocates more memory than the standard mapshaper program.

Another solution is to run Node directly with the --max-old-space-size option. The following example (Mac or Linux) allocates 8GB of memory:


Mapshaper requires Node.js.

With Node installed, you can install the latest release version of mapshaper using npm. Install with the '-g' flag to make the executable scripts available systemwide.

To install and run the latest development code from github:

Building and testing

Run the build script to build both the cli and web UI modules.

Run npm test in the project directory to run mapshaper's tests.


View Shapefiles Online

This software is licensed under MPL 2.0.

According to Mozilla's FAQ, 'The MPL's ‘file-level’ copyleft is designed to encourage contributors to share modifications they make to your code, while still allowing them to combine your code with code under other licenses (open or proprietary) with minimal restrictions.'


My colleagues at The New York Times, for countless suggestions, bug reports and general helpfulness.

Mark Harrower, for collaborating on the original 'MapShaper' program at the University of Wisconsin–Madison.

Active2 years, 5 months ago

I want to create and edit Shapefiles for my application, and I'm looking for a free shape (ESRI) file editor - free for creating and editing.

8,4154 gold badges28 silver badges66 bronze badges

5 Answers

There are lots of free GIS tools available. One of the imho best is QuantumGIS: It is available for win/mac and linux.

But maybe you prefer openjump a tool written in java, which has special strengths in editing, topology-checking:

Also take a look at:

70.6k13 gold badges184 silver badges363 bronze badges
4,9901 gold badge24 silver badges41 bronze badges

Also, if you do not mind some scripting in Python, there is Shapefile module for this.

Small example, create .shp with point features from coords in .xls:

del f, Path, wb,

Joachim Van der AuweraJoachim Van der Auwera

If you just want to view shapefiles quickly, does quick shapefile reading in the browser (dont need to download anything or upload file). You need modern browser though


EverlyMap is A Free Shapefile Editor you might like. Does the whole job. Windows Desktop App. from

David EverlyDavid Everly

Shape File Viewer For Mac

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