Telerik Wpf Controls Download

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  4. Telerik Controls Examples

Telerik UI for WPF includes a wide range of controls from small UI components like Rating to powerful data-driven controls like GridView. The suite provides a variety of data visualization tools to allow you to display and edit your data.

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Third-party controls are those which are not created by Microsoft but are created by some individual or company by using WPF User Control or Custom Control. Telerik and DevExpress are the most popular companies for creating third-party controls.

In this chapter, we will be using Telerik controls. So let’s start by following the steps given below.

  • Go to the link Telerik which contains the Telerik WPF controls and download the UI for WPF.

  • Once the download is complete, install the files on your machine.

  • After the installation, open Visual Studio and create a new WPF project with the name WPF3rdPartyControls.

  • On Toolbox, you will see the Telerik UI controls. In addition, you will observe that in solution explorer, all the required dll are also added after installation.

  • Let’s expand the Telerik UI for WPF – input 2015 Q2 in the toolbox. You will see many built-in controls.

  • Now drag RadCalculator from toolbox box to the design window.

  • Take a look at your XAML window in which RadCalculator tag has been added.

  • Let’s compile and execute the above code. You will see a fully functional calculator on your window with just one line of code.

  • That’s the beauty of third-party controls. But it is not free, you will need to buy a licence if you want to use third-party controls in your application.

Let’s have a look at another Telerik control. Create a new WPF project with the name WPF3rdPartyControls. Drag the RadDateTimePicker control from the toolbox. The XAML code is as follows −

Here is the C# code in which selection changed event is implemented.

When you compile and execute the above code, it will produce the following window.

Select any time and date and it will be displayed on the message box.


Here is an example of RichTextBox. The following XAML code creates three toggle buttons and a rich textbox.

Here is the implementation in C# for button click event.

When you compile and execute the above code, it will produce the following window. With the help of the three buttons, you can format the text (bold, italic, underline) typed inside the rich textbox.

We recommend that you try to use the other controls available in your toolbox and experiment.

Active5 years, 2 months ago

I'm working with WPF and Telerik controls. I encapsulated RadPDFViewer inside ControlTemplate (I did that before for RadGauge and it works good), after I added all the required assemblies.In the designer(user control) I can see the component as a gray rectangle but when I run the application it gives me error as u see in the attached file and it doesn't show me the component.When I use RadPDFViewer not inside the ControlTemplate, in regular window it works fine.

Why only 'Telerik.Windows.controls.FixedDocumentViewers' can't be loaded (BTW all my assemblies) are the same version.

Telerik Wpf Controls Full Download

Thank you

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3 Answers

The error you are getting is obviously around missing dependencies. The information you have given is not enough to respond with a definitive answer. So I will give you a best guess

You need to ensure that you copy to the output folder the assemblies Telerik.Windows.Controls.FixedDocumentViewers has a reference to. Not all references will be required as .net only loads assemblies when it requires them.

I will assume you are using the standard binaries and not the noxaml binaries.

So, using JetBrains dotPeek (a free .net decompiler), I got the following.

Telerik.Windows.Controls.FixedDocumentViewers has a dependency on the following

  1. Telerik.Windows.Control,
  2. Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core and
  3. Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed

Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core has a Dependency on

  1. Telerik.Windows.Zip.

and Telerik.Windows.Documents.Fixed has a dependency on

  1. Telerik.Windows.Documents.Core

All of the assemblies has references to the usual suspects.

Since you appear to be playing with PDF files, you may need to load Telerik.Windows.Documents.FormatProviders.Pdf and if so, it has a dependency on

  1. Telerik Windows.Documents.

and the other dependencies are mentioned previously.

To solve your problem, I would add the first 3 to your solution (Telerik.Windows.Controls is probably already added), and then add each of the other assemblies in turn until you find what you require.

I hope this helps.

Mark TravisMark Travis

In the VS Solution Explorer, right-click the Reference and make sure Copy Local is set to True.

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Telerik Wpf Controls Download Windows 10

I solved it. It's huge solution so I have to add this assembly to the startup project.Thanks a lot

Telerik Wpf Controls Download Free


Telerik Controls Examples

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