Carte Virtuelle Directe Wifi Microsoft

Active3 years, 2 months ago
  1. Carte Virtuelle Anniversaire Gratuite
  2. Carte Virtuelle Directe Wifi Microsoft Word
  3. Jolie Cartes Virtuelles Gratuites
  4. Chez Maya Cartes Virtuelles

I disabled my Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport network adapter from Control PanelNetwork and InternetNetwork Connections.

Carte virtuelle directe Wi-Fi Microsoft ist von Realtek entwickelt, dessen Entwickler des Treibers Microsoft ist. In unserer datenbank gibt es insgesamt 1 differente Versionen. Carte Virtuelle Directe Wi-Fi Microsoft #2 driver is a windows driver. Common questions for Carte Virtuelle Directe Wi-Fi Microsoft #2 driver Q: Where can I download the Carte Virtuelle Directe Wi-Fi Microsoft #2 driver's driver?

Just right clicked on the miniport nic and clicked disable, and its gone. Now how could I enable it?After disabling the nic, netsh wlan start hostednetwork is not working any more. The response is,

The hosted network couldn't be started.The group or resource is not in the correct state to perform the requested operation.

It was working flawlessly, before I disabled the adapter,Anyway, for reference here is the output of netsh wlan show drivers,

Interface name: Wi-Fi

netsh wlan show hostednetwork,

Hosted network settings

Hosted network status

After executing,

netsh wlan set hostednetwork mode=allow

The hosted network mode has been set to allow.

But again in,

netsh wlan show hostednetwork

Hosted network settings

Hosted network status

netsh wlan show settings

Wireless LAN settings

Any idea how to re-enable the Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport adapter (in Windows 8 Pro RTM)? I'm at my wits end, Please help :(

Jimson Kannanthara James
CarteJimson Kannanthara JamesMayaJimson Kannanthara James
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9 Answers

You go to your 'device manager', find your 'network adapters', then should find the virtual wifi adapter, then right click it and enable it. After that, you start your cmd with admin privileges, then try:

9,5393 gold badges24 silver badges68 bronze badges

From accepted answer:

You go to your 'device manager', find your 'network adapters', then should find the virtual wifi adapter, then right click it and enable it

Maybe your device is hidden - first you should unhide it from the device manger, then re-enable the adapter from the device manger tools.

64.7k15 gold badges91 silver badges135 bronze badges

I had the exact problem and I couldn't find the hosted network adapter in network connections or device manager. So what I did was to disable and enable the wifi adapter after this the hosted network adapter should be listed in the device manager, then you just enable the adapter from there.


I have the same issue after I disabled the adapter in the Network setting. But when I go to the System->Device Manager and find it from the 'Network adapters' and re-enable it. Then everything works again.


In my case I had to uninstall and reinstall the wireless adapter driver to be able to execute the command


In the device manager you can selectView > Show hidden devices

Carte Virtuelle Anniversaire Gratuite

Krv PereraKrv Perera

Microsoft Virtual WiFi Miniport should start and bind automatically to the underlying function driver. Try disabling and reenabling the AR9285 driver.


Carte Virtuelle Directe Wifi Microsoft Word

15.4k2 gold badges30 silver badges69 bronze badges

Try to add this

Aditya BokadeAditya Bokade

and then execute in command prompt (ADMIN)

netsh wlan start hostednetwork

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Jolie Cartes Virtuelles Gratuites

protected by CommunityApr 20 '13 at 19:28

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Chez Maya Cartes Virtuelles

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